Another plugin: PR Checker

It’s been a while since i released a plugin but here i am again! A couple of months back Yan approached me with a plugin he wanted. We worked it out and this is the result. What this essentially does is it allows you to build a link list and maintain it with...

Make your #FollowFriday easy!

There is a huge meme going on the Twitter world these days called #FollowFriday (started by Micah with whom i am in no way affiliated). I am sure you all know what it’s all about. You just tweet suggestions about people you think your followers should be...

BloggerBuddy Hacks: Change the look and feel

With this post i am starting a small series of posts about customizing and maintaining BloggerBuddy. As you know BloggerBuddy is built upon the Adobe framework, AIR. This actually allows a programmer to use web development techniques and languages (HTML, Javascript)...

BloggerBuddy: Update to v0.5.1

The last couple of days my friend Sire brought to my attention a small problem on BloggerBuddy. There was a conversation on the update post here about it. What was happening is that on the individual feed view, i.e. when clicking on a specific feed to view posts from...

Quick URL parsing using Perl

Have you ever stumbled on a page that you would like to copy-paste all the links from and, darn, they were many? For instance when you get that directory listing and you want to download all the files? Well, i faced the problem these days. I wanted to copy more than...