It is obvious from the announcement post that i hadn’t seen an aspect of the program “FindMe RDC” (check out the comment from George). The thing i hadn’t noticed is the situation where a user hasn’t even used Remote Desktop before and tries to use this small application. Then, something terrible happens. When i try to open the registry key for the Remote Desktop i get nothing and then, with that nothing, i try to get more stuff. There is where my problem was. I added a small check to see if the key exists and all is fine now.

I could have updated my previous post but i wanted to make this new one to emphasize on how important it is to get feedback. This bug was found due to the help of #FN$# (he mailed me a couple of hours before George left the comment) and George. I really appreciate this guys and i want to tell all of you to check out all the ones to come and let me know for any problems you encounter or features you would like to see. So, download the new version (from the old link, it’s updated) and let me know!

Edit: I added a feature… If you haven’t used Remote Desktop before you can add a URL and it will be there although you haven’t used it!