Resize images with PHP and GD

If you are a web developer then you definitely have been faced with this little thingy. Let’s say you want to do dynamic resizing of images for a project of yours. All you need is an extension for PHP called GD. With that you are given many possibilities on...

A roundup of WordPress plugin coding

As you all know, recently, i started coding “seriously” WordPress plugins. My first one was the “Mini RSS reader” and as you also know i plan on keep going with the coding. Since then, I’ve been looking on stuff about coding plugins,...

Java crash course #8: How to read the docs

We have come to a point that i think you are ready to explore what Java is all about. You will often hear me say “RTFM”, i.e Read The Fine (??) Manual! In Java this is more feasible than any other language. The documentation is well structured and well...