Unix set timezone

A quickie here fellas. If you want to set your time on a unix machine you have to do two things. First of all set the timezone and then set the correct time. You set the timezone by copying the appropriate file to /etc/localtime. For instance, if you want to set your...

wget headers

In the previous posts about the HTTP protocol, “HTTP for hardcores or… masochists” and “File upload and download via PHP”, there was a discussion about headers. Well with the wget tool, availiable in all linux distributions, you can send...

Voting plugin Safari!

I have been trying to find a small and easy voting system for wordpress the past few days. It seemed like an easy task but since i am realy new with wordpress and i don’t know my way around it yet, it became a bit complicated. I found some from the extension...

Theme change…

As you can see i changed the theme. This is for two reasons: first of all it was not widget ready, so i could not add and remove widgets on the fly and secondly it was too dark. I want my blog to be easy to read. I will be looking around for themes the next few days...

Twitty… me!

I just set up my twitter account. It’s kinda fun. You post small texts telling what you currently do. Hey don’t post something like “i am picking my nose now” 😀 You post something like “i am on the bus going to work” or “i am...