Migrating a wordpress installation

In this area there are alot of tutorials and howto’s but here is a small step by step on how i did it. Copy all the files from the old blog to your new folder. Open your database with a manager like phpMyAdmin or in a console. You need to edit the table...

Java crash course #4: Inheritance

The previous three courses were just the beggining. In the last one we started getting somewhere since we could see what is a constructor and what overloading is. A fundamental thing on object oriented programming is called “inheritance”. On real life it...

Java crash course #3: Constructors and overloading

On the previous 2 articles of the series we started our first steps towards Java programming. I hope i made clear on how Java works in general and what a scope is. In the previous tutorial we issued a “new” and created an instance but we had no clue what...

Java crash course #2:The very basics

Well, a few days back i started this tutorial series on the Java programming language. Now i feel it’s the time to move on. I realy have no clue if the series will be of any help for any of you but regardless i still feel like going on. On the last post i...

Java crash course #1: Introduction

I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. Now i decided to put it to the test and see if anyone finds it useful or not. This series will actually be a Java tutorial, from the basics to the more advanced, from ground up. You can call it a “for...

Java String Calculate MD5

Here is a quicky one. I was surprised to see that when i needed a quick way to calculate the MD5 hash of a string it was not in the java.lang.String class. I know things with Java have to be well structured and since MD5 is a hashing algorithm it is fairly logical to...