Socialize me!

So i just created a stumbleupon account today after a long time of boredom. I always thought that stumbleupon is more like digg. But it turned out to be much easier. I should have tried it before… Anyway, on stratosector i created a small section with all my...

How to access bindings from Java code in ADF

Maybe it’s me stupid, but I was looking for this for quite long and finally figured out how to. So I thought it could save someone’s time too. Say we have a JSPX page bound to a ViewObject. Also there’s a backing bean for this page. What we want is...

Linux Process Management

When running on a windows machine, a fair amount of problems can be solved with a simple Ctrl+Alt+Del. For those of you who still don’t get it the task manager comes up and you can kill any process you want. Moreover, if you want a process to run into the...

Mibbit: Over and done with installed IM’s

Well for a couple of years now meebo has eliminated the need of MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger and all the IM’s. It’s all in one. One thing was missing though… IRC. I know nowadays people prefer instant messengers rather than the old school IRC but...

L33tSig, a neat sig tool…

Crowling the web, i found a weird signature that a user had. It displayed memory usage, cpu usage and some other stats on his pc. I thought it was weird and it might have been a custom thingy he did and hosted. Soon i found l33tsig. This is a service where you...

Monitoring the temp of your debian box

The past few days the weather here in Greece is in a boiling temperature. As i was extracting an archive today i got this alerting message from the syslogd: Message from syslogd@lee at Fri Jun 20 17:26:17 2008 … lee kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold Now...