by stratosg | Mar 22, 2008 | My Coding, Quickies
I know this is a port mania today but i finally solved a problem that has been bugging me for a few days now. I wanted to send an sms via Clicaktell’s gateway that i wanted it to be utf. This gateway supports this kind of messages but with a trick. When you set...
by stratosg | Mar 22, 2008 | Quickies
Here is a quick one that could be very handy and usefull to many of you. Have you ever developed a site and wondered if it looks nice and the way you want it to on other browsers? Have you ever developed a site that you see it fine until someone comes along and tells...
by stratosg | Mar 22, 2008 | Hardcore or Masochist?, My Coding
On the “hardcores or masochists” post series i used the dumps of http, pop, smtp and imap sessions. But how did i get these? Well for the mailing ones, the answer is easy, telnet. But for the http part i created some scripts for interacting with the...