My picWell i’ve been thinking alot lately that e107 has started getting sloppy. It is becoming slow enough, many downtimes of their site, plugins stop developing any more and most of all i’ve heard that some of their developers have been recruited by Joomla. So why not change and use that one. Well for starters i know my way around e107, i’ve coded a few plugins my self and generaly i’ll loose some functions when migrating. Plus i’ll have some trouble taking my content from e107 to Joomla. But the last few days loading times of my site have gone uphill and maybe it’s because of my server but anyways joomla should work better. So here i come. I got a backup of my site and am trying to see if i can take the content. I’ll probably come up with a few scripts to do that. So if that happens i’ll post them here (or my new site hopefully) so you guys might use them. If i don’t make it, well, whatever. I’ll stick with my current one and see what i can do.

I’ll keep ya posted in case a nice script for migration comes up 😉

/me out